BOOKS | Clearwater School of Supernatural Ministry

Clearwater School of Supernatural Ministry has adopted the following books for year 1 & year 2 students based on Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry curriculum.

The books listed below are required reading with a monthy book report:

Year 1 Booklist

  1. Month 1 – “When Heaven Invades Earth” – Bill Johnson
  2. Month 2 – “The Ultimate Treasure Hunt” – Kevin Dedmon
  3. Month 3 – “Culture of Honor”- Danny Silk
  4. Month 4 – “Happy Intercessor” – Beni Johnson
  5. Month 5 – “God is good” – Bill Johnson
  6. Month 6 – “Experiencing the Fathers Embrace” – Jack Frost
  7. Month 7 – “Sozo”-Dawna Desilva & Teresa Liebscher, “That all may Prophesy”- Steve Thompson
  8. Month 8 – “Supernatural ways of Royalty” (Book only)- Kris Vallotton
  9. Month 9 – “Developing a Supernatural Lifestyle”- Kris Vallotton
  10. Month 10 – “Fashioned to Reign”- Kris Vallotton
  11. Month 11 – “God’s Generals I, Revivalists”- Roberts Liardon
  12. Month 12 – “Strengthen yourself in the Lord”- Bill Johnson

Year 2 Booklist

  1. Month 1 – “Face to Face with God”- Bill Johnson
  2. Month 2 – “Kingdom Culture”- Dan Farrelly
  3. Month 3 – “Defining Moments”- Bill Johnson
  4. Month 4 – “A Practical Guide to Evangelism Supernaturally”- Chris Overstreet
  5. Month 5 – “The Supernatural Power of Forgiveness”- Jason Vallotton
  6. Month 6 – “Keep Your Love on”- Danny Silk
  7. Month 7 – “Spirit Wars”- Kris Vallotton
  8. Month 8 – “God’s Genrals: The Healing Evangelists”- Roberts Liardon
  9. Month 9 – “The Pursuit of God”- A.W. Tozer
  10. Month 10 – “Developing the Leader within you”- John C. Maxwell
  11. Month 11 – “Heavy Rain”- Kris Vallotton
  12. Month 12 – “Dreaming with God”- Bill Johnson


Class Textbooks**

~ Holy Bible (NKJ) ~
~ Basic Training for the Prophetic (Workbook) ~
~ Grasping God’s Word, 2nd Edition ~
~ Christian History Made Easy ~
~ The Hayford Bible Handbook ~

**Book expenses are the responsibility of each student.

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