STUDENT LIFE | Clearwater School of Supernatural Ministry
Though in-class hours are Monday evenings from 5:45 pm to 9:30 pm, the school is full-time as students are encouraged to live what that they are learning 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The class hours are learning opportunities with the instructors but they are just a small part of the learning experience. The other hours consist of learning through homework, from an author or from the Holy Spirit as the students read the Word, attend services, serve on ministry teams, soaking & prayer times of personal devotion, living the supernatural lifestyle in an honorable way at work, and more. Clearwater SSM is not for the faint of heart or lazy, it is an extremely fast paced season of schooling, but the training is pivotal and strategic. We believe the intensity soon translates into “becoming” things that are at first foreign and done out of duty gradually become second nature and students move from merely echoing a message to becoming a message.
The school culture is more adept to meeting God as you “do life.” One example of this is that the school has NO general restriction on dating for our single people, which is so common to most ministry schools. Rather, we have chosen to teach our students how to have healthy relationships and live in purity. Of course, learning without a lot of external restrictions creates a need for a high level of discipleship, personal responsibility and accountability in the lives of our students. This is accomplished through small group interaction and a covenant community which embraces honesty, transparency and confrontation.
Clearwater SSM is not for those who are looking for a place to rehab or people who are coming out of lifestyle sins. Bethel’s school is designed to be a ministry training center where our students encounter their royal identity, learn the attributes of the Kingdom and walk in the authority and power of the King.