APPLY NOW | Clearwater School of Supernatural Ministry

Please read carefully:

We are excited that you have made the decision to attend Clearwater School of Supernatural Ministry in Clearwater, FL. Enrolling in Clearwater SSM is a huge endeavor that will require focus and commitment. Though many of the students who have attended Clearwater SSM find it challenging they also find it equally rewarding.

Before filling out the application, we suggest reading the Application Procedures as well as the Academic Overview page.

Every field in the application must be filled out.

If a certain field does not apply, please put N/A as your response.

All information will remain confidential.

Only school administrators are authorized to review your application.

At the end of the application you will be prompted to pay a deposit of $100.00 (per applicant) through our secure online payment (which is PayPal) method or go to and click the giving tab and write CSSM in the memo as a one time payment.

If you prefer to send in payment, please make check payable to Connect Church Clearwater in the memo add CSSM deposit and mail to: 1739 So. MLK Jr. Ave., Clearwater FL 33756.

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